
CORP. Training

Making Impactful Presentations



1.5 Days

Target Audience

Lower / Middle Management – up to 25 people


The Need

It is well recognized that “Communication Skills” is a competency that is among the most important to possess in order to succeed in life and work. What is not well recognized is that Presentation Skills are an integral part of “Communication Skills” especially in the work environment.  Convincing and impressing Colleagues or Management of an idea or a proposal that requires alignment or approval becomes a key ingredient for success and moving higher up the career ladder  


Day 1
  • Learning the importance and the How of setting a communication strategy 
  • Preparing the presentation
  • Preparing yourself for the big moment
  • Handling yourself in the presentation
  • Handling the audience & their questions

*A night-time assignment

Day 2

Each participant gives a 10-minute presentation that is video taped and critiqued by the sub-group.  Winner of each sub-group presents to the main group


Participants will become much better and effective presenters in any situation where the individual is to present to 5 or more people regardless of the make up of the audience.